Take the Neck Stiffness not seriously?

Have you ever had such an experience, waking up suddenly can not move the neck, a move on the pain, and even with half pull shoulder pain together? “The Neck Stiffness, tolerate a day will be fine.” You may not think so. However, the Neck Stiffness may seem ordinary, but it is an early cervical spine disease. Orthopedic surgeon tips four types of serious Neck Stiffness situation, do not delay and have to go to the hospital.
Why do we have a Neck Stiffness?
In the orthopedic clinic encountered, many patients the consultation will tell the doctor he suddenly felt pain in the neck after waking up in the morning, to put some plaster, but after a few days, the symptoms get worse, and they even get up or turn over when you have to use your hands to support, or the pain is more powerful. Patients will have questions, “My neck used to be fine; what’s wrong with it?” Most of the patients who have this condition have a drop Neck Stiffness.
Neck Stiffness is an acute disease caused by spasms of the neck and shoulder muscles (mainly the trapezius, sternocleidomastoid, scapulars), a sudden increase in muscle tone, or disorder of the small joints of the cervical spine, resulting in pain and limited movement of the neck and shoulder. The disease is common and can occur at any age, and the duration of the disease varies from a few days to a few weeks.
What exactly causes a drop in Neck Stiffness? In fact, the Neck Stiffness belongs to the early cervical spondylosis – cervical spondylosis. Common causes include: poor sleeping posture, excessive head, and neck deflection, Neck Stiffness discomfort (too high, too low, too hard) resulting in long-term tension in the neck muscles of static injury; long-term lack of exercise, low head ambulation caused by cervical instability resulting in small joint disorders; neck and shoulders by wind and cold attack and other reasons leading to the back of the neck muscle qi stagnation blood stasis, meridian paralysis, etc., the above factors can induce the Neck Stiffness.
These four types of patients should seek medical attention urgently.
Neck Stiffness is the early manifestation of cervical spondylosis, with localized pain in the neck and shoulder and restricted movement; conservative treatment can achieve good results. The biggest pain of the Neck Stiffness is the neck and shoulder pain and stiffness. In response, first of all, patients should reduce activities, bed rest, or wear a neck brace to limit neck activities. Second, the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs, as well as muscle relaxants. Also, topical creams, ointments, and hot compresses can be chosen as supplementary treatments.
In addition, formal tui na, acupuncture, massage, and physical therapy can also assist in the rapid relief of symptoms and shorten the course of the disease. Here to pay special attention to the violence, inappropriate treatment techniques may aggravate the condition or even cause irreversible consequences.
As mentioned above, although the Neck Stiffness is common, but should not be taken lightly. In particular, the following four categories of patients need extra attention.
Patients with frequent recurring drop Neck Stiffness and older age.
Patients with combined radiating pain in the upper extremities (like an electrical shock) and numbness in the fingers.
Patients with weakness in both hands and unstable walking (walking like stepping on cotton).
Patients with a combination of fever, night sweats, rapid weight loss in a short period of time, and pain that significantly interferes with sleep at night.
These patients are recommended to visit the orthopedic spine specialist clinic to further rule out the possibility of severe cervical spondylosis, cervical spine infection, or tumor to avoid delaying the treatment of the disease.
Prevent the Neck Stiffness to do more of these actions
To prevent the Neck Stiffness, you also need to start from work, and in life, always pay attention to protecting the cervical spine.
First, to avoid long-term low head at work, you can properly adjust the height and angle of the computer screen, appropriately shorten the length of cell phone use, intermittently change the work posture, activities of the neck and shoulders, to relieve muscle spasms.
Second, avoid long-term lying on the bed to look at the phone so that the neck and shoulder muscles to get a complete relaxation when resting.
Third, choose the right neck Stiffness. The height of the outer edge of the shoulder to the ear edge height is appropriate, soft, and hard. Recommend the use of buckwheat Neck Stiffness, in addition to cheap, easy to buy, but also according to their own needs to adjust the height (short of a partial fold cushion high, high a partial pressure to lower) to ensure a good night’s sleep.
Fourth, usually pay attention to strengthening the neck and shoulder muscle exercises. The first recommended regular swimming exercise, “small swallow fly,” flat support, and other activities can also be. In addition, the work can be carried out head and neck resistance exercise, crossed hands held behind the head, head back while hands forward force against. Any form of exercise is prohibited when in pain.